Comprehensive Scientific and Methodological Support for Modeling and Optimization of Heat Energy Markets


Stennikov V. A.1,Khamisov O. V.1,Penkovskii A. V.1


1. Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of S iberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ESI SB RAS)


Heat supply is the most important area of energy services provided to a wide range of consumers. This industry determines the well-being of society, social stability and competitiveness of the economies of many countries of the world. The processes of energy liberalization that began in the early 1990s led to the emergence of new forms of heat supply management based on market interaction among producers and consumers of heat energy. In market conditions, the problem of optimizing heat supply systems becomes much more complicated, and its structuring becomes multivariate depending on the characteristics of the industry organization. To solve the problems of optimal functioning and development of heat supply systems in changing conditions, along with existing optimization methods, it becomes necessary to use new approaches focused on solving problems in some specific uncertain situations characterized by conflicting interests of the parties, and often defined as conflict. The paper presents a comprehensive scientific and methodological approach based on mathematical modeling for solving problems of managing the development and operation of heat supply systems in a market economy.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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