Deep Structure of the Baikal Rift Zone and Central Mongolia


Vinnik L. P.1,Delitsyn L. L.1,Makeeva L. I.1,Oreshin S. I.1


1. Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences


The upper mantle and the transition zone of the Baikal rift zone (BRZ) are studied. The observations are analyzed using P-wave receiver functions. It is found that in the BRZ central and northeastern part, the P410s converted seismic phase is preceded by a precursory wave with negative polarity which is formed in the low S-wave velocity layer at a depth of 350–410 km. A similar precursory wave with low S-wave velocity and negative polarity is formed at a depth of 600–660 km. The low-velocity layers are interpreted as resulting from the hydration of wadsleyite and ringwoodite during the subduction of the Pacific lithosphere. A similar study of the mantle in Central Mongolia found no expected signs of hydration. Modeling of the lithosphere–asthenosphere system in Central Mongolia by joint inversion of the body wave receiver functions and surface wave dispersion curves reveals a very thin lithospheric lid beneath Khangai and a thick layered asthenosphere to a depth of 200 km with a lithospheric inclusion between low-velocity layers.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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