1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 125080, Moscow, Russia
2. State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS), 125167, Moscow, Russia
This article studies the problems of rapid goal-setting in hierarchical groups of active (anthropocentric) objects, by which the authors mean, primarily, groups of aircraft, united by the initial and situationally arising missions. A group of objects are assigned a mission before they start functioning. When a group performs the given mission in a deliberately or passively antagonistic environment, the following collision occurs: “Mission stage in progress: immediate threat to the mission.” This forces the group to solve the problem of rapid goal setting. A methodology for solving such problems is created, which entails conducting a system analysis of the subject area to identify the composition and interaction of the tactical-level onboard intelligent systems necessary to solve these problems; the presence of previously developed subject-independent images of the knowledge bases of the identified intelligent systems; and saturation of the knowledge bases of these systems with specific information (the mission being performed, the threat that has arisen, and specific information of the means of counteracting it available at the facilities). The resulting solution to the problem of rapid goal setting at unmanned facilities is immediately sent for implementation, and at facilities with a crew, the solution is implemented only with their consent. An illustrative example of solving a practically significant task of rapid goal-setting in aviation problems is given.
The Russian Academy of Sciences