Optimal Suppression of Oscillations in the Problem of a Spin-Up of a Two-Mass System


Vasenin S. A.1,Reshmin S. A.1


1. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMech RAS), 119526, Moscow, Russia


We consider a controlled mechanical system of many bodies, consisting of a load-bearing disk that rotates around its axis fixed in space, and a carried disk attached to it using weightless elastic elements. The presented bodies are in the same plane. The problem of minimizing the amplitude of radial oscillations is studied. To solve this problem over a sufficiently large interval, two numerical methods are used: the method of successive approximations in the control space and Newton’s method. The properties of the phase trajectories of the system are studied depending on the initial states of the disks. Various disk spin-up modes are detected. Using the smoothing procedure for optimal control, a continuous control is constructed that reduces the amplitude of radial oscillations.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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