Specific features of motivating environmentally responsible behavior of small and medium businesses in Russia


Bataeva Bela1,Cheglakova Liudmila2,Melitonyan Olga2


1. Finance University under the Government of Russian Federation

2. HSE University


Small and medium enterprises’ motivation to environmentally responsible behavior is different from the one of large businesses. The research that comprised surveying 151 and interviewing 20 representatives of Russian SMEs, indicated low motivation to environmentally responsible behavior in this cluster. The majority of decision-makers in Russian small and medium firms are pessimistic about the role of regulatory environment in motivating them to conduct business responsibly. Meanwhile, research results indicate an apparent lack of awareness-raising among representatives of Russian SMEs regarding governmental measures for promoting and supporting their environmentally responsible behavior. The availability of internal resources for developing and implementing initiatives in the field of environmental protection was quite positively evaluated by respondents. The research may be of interest to state authorities and business associations developing incentives to environmentally responsible behavior aimed at Russian SMEs; as well as that, it may contribute to drafting educational and awareness-raising projects and programs, and shaping demand from the society and a broad range of SMEs’ stakeholders to their environmentally responsible behavior.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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