Investment attractiveness of the Russian Arctic through the prism of international cooperation and development of transport corridors


Strelnikova Irina1


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


The Russian Arctic has numerous resources, infrastructure facilities that are important for international relations, and therefore is potentially very attractive to investors. Nevertheless, there are a number of objective reasons hindering its development, which require international cooperation, investment and updating of the regulatory framework for the process of foreign investments inflow into the region, with an emphasis on its specifics. The purpose of the article is to study the attractiveness and investment potential of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) in the new geopolitical realities, to identify the most promising areas of foreign investments. It is concluded that the Arctic can offer resources and opportunities for development and cooperation. It is open for investment, and the Russian government is trying to implement as many projects as possible, including those in which the BRICS countries participate, that will contribute to the development of this region. One of the key areas of foreign investments application is the zone of development of the transport and logistics potential of the Arctic through transport corridors, which will simultaneously lead to infrastructural connectivity of the entire Eurasian continent and will promote cooperation in the Eurasian arena of the CIS countries.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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