1. Higher School of Economics University
2. Federal Research Center Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
We consider the so-called four-equation model for dynamics of the heterogeneous compressible binary mixtures with the Noble-Abel stiffened-gas equations of state. We exploit its quasi-homogeneous form arising after excluding the volume concentrations from the sought functions and based on a quadratic equation for the common pressure of the components. We present new properties of this equation and a simple formula for the squared speed of sound, suggest an alternative derivation for a formula relating it to the squared Wood speed of sound and state the pressure balance equation. For the first time, we give quasi-gasdynamic-type regularization of the heterogeneous model (in the quasi-homogeneous form), construct explicit two-level in time and symmetric three point in space finite-difference scheme without limiters to implement it in the 1D case and present numerical results.
The Russian Academy of Sciences