Peculiarities of expansion of alien species of vascular plants due to the development of transport infrastructure of the Valdaisky National Park


Belonovskaya E. A.1,Tishkov A. A.1,Tsarevskaya N. G.1,Khmelshchikov I. G.2


1. Institute of Geography, RAS

2. National park Valdaisky


On the territory of the Valdaisky National Park (Novgorod oblast) the analysis of invasions of alien species of vascular plants was carried out. The risk of invasion of alien species into natural ecosystems was assessed, considering the history of land use in the region, current nature management practices, and the ongoing development of transport infrastructure in the area. Since 2005, annual monitoring studies have been carried out using standard geobotanical methods along existing, modernized, and new linear structures in the Park’s territory and buffer zone. It has been shown that the forest–field–meadow structure of the vegetation cover, which has developed over the centuries, and the composition of the Park’s flora have proved to be quite resistant to the invasions. The composition and value of the invasive component in the flora of the National Park is 18% (133 species from 42 families). At the same time, the role of transport infrastructure in the spread of alien species is obvious. About 40–50% of the invasive flora (about 50–70 species) is limited to railways and roads, and their composition can determine the vector of spread—from the south-east and south to the north and north-west. In order to reduce the risk of invasion of alien vascular plant species and to preserve the unique native floristic complex, strict regulations are required for the development of transport infrastructure in the National Park.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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