Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments of Lipetzk Oblast Based on Multiproxy Analysis of Paleosols in the Voronezh River Floodplain


Chendev Yu. G.1,Tishkov A. A.2,Puzanova Т. А.3,Kurbanova F. G.2,Sarapulkin V. А.1,Тregub Т. F.4,Ponomarenko Е. V.5


1. Belgorod State National Research University, Institute of Earth Sciences

2. Institute of Geography, RAS

3. Moscow State University

4. Voronezh State University

5. Ottawa University


The results of paleosol and paleogeographic reconstructions on the new key site “Bol’shaya Kuzminka” within the northern part of the forest-steppe zone of the East European Plain (the high floodplain of the Vorone-zh River, the northern outskirts of the Bolshaya Kuzminka village, Lipetsk Oblast) are presented. To determine the age of alluvial deposits at different depths within the soil profiles, we used archaeological artefacts, Pleistocene faunal remains, soil humus, and charcoal. We reconstructed two main stages of floodplain formation during the Holocene: the early phase of low-intensity alluvial accumulation (beginning of the Holocene to the end of the Atlantic period, with mean rate of sedimentation–0.6 cm per 100 yr) and the late phase of increasing alluvial sedimentation (the second part of the Holocene, with mean rate of sedimentation–1.3 cm per 100 yr). Analysis of a closed depression within the floodplain allowed to reconstruct a complex synlithogenic soil profile with relic traces of three paleosols: a dark-colored Chernozem-like paleosol of the first half of the Holocene, the Luvisol of the Subboreal climatic phase (Gray Forest Soil), and the Stagnic Phaeozem (Chernozem-Meadow Soil) of the Subatlantic climatic phase of the Holocene. Flat areas around depressions hosted grassland vegetation; Stagnic Phaeozems (Meadow-Cheronozem soils) were formed here during the entire Holocene synchronic with alluvial sediments’ deposition. Palynological analysis of floodplain soils and deposits indicated that forests developed in the trend of widespread their areas on adjacent watersheds since the beginning of Subboreal period. Anthropogenic impact on soils and plant cover was noticeable from the Subatlantic period, and its intensity was increasing over time. Introduction of anthropochores was the main anthropogenic signal that resulted from utilizing floodplains and gullies as pastures and ploughlands.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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