Pattern Recognition in the Tasks of Landform Mapping


Kharchenko S. V.12


1. Moscow State University

2. Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences


The article aims to show the modern state of pattern recognition techniques for automatic and semi-automatic geomorphological mapping. There is opinion among the geomorphometrists about the expert rules for traditional landform mapping can be quantitated. The general unsolved tasks of automatic landform mapping are: recognition of origin for morphologically similar Earth’s surface forms; criteria development for transfer from morphological to genetic and age landform’s characteristics; preventive choosing the optimal resolution of the remote sensing data; the choosing and rationale of predictor’s weights in statistical modeling procedures. Some cases of the pattern recognition techniques using in geomorphology and landform mapping are given: generalized linear models; classification trees; random forest; artificial neural networks; and computer vision methods. The overall accuracy of the different models according to planar continuous landform recognition (and recognition of lithology types too) is about 50–70% and more. At the same time, specific landform type’s (craters, volcanic cones and others) recognition can reach 90–100%.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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