1. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov
The electrochemical behavior of lanthanum ions on a nickel electrode has been studied using various electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, open circuit chronopotentiometry (on-off curves), and square wave voltammetry in an equimolar melt of potassium and sodium chlorides at 973 K. The cyclic voltammetry curves has several reduction waves on the cathodic branch and corresponding oxidation waves on the anodic branch. The first wave A is located in the potential region –(0.0–0.1) V, where the reduction of Ni2+ ions takes place. The second wave B is in the region of potentials –(1.72–1.77) V, on it occurs electroreduction of ions \({\text{LaCl}}_{6}^{{3 - }}\) on nickel electrode with certain depolarization with formation of intermetallide of lanthanum with nickel LaxNiy. The appearance of the third wave C in the potential region –(2.09–2.13) V, we associate with the electroreduction of chloride complexes \({\text{LaCl}}_{6}^{{3 - }}\) on intermetallide LaxNiy with the formation of metallic lanthanum. On the basis of the obtained data it is shown that during the electroreduction of lanthanum chloride complexes in KCl–NaCl melt at T = 973K the nickel electrode interacts with the released lanthanum, causing a significant depolarization of the process of electroreduction of the chloride complex, also formation of intermetallide with Ni electrode occurs.
The Russian Academy of Sciences