Neg-raising in Russian Sing Language


Dubyaga Alena O.12


1. Russian State University for the Humanities

2. Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences


The article is devoted to the primary search for neg-raising in Russian Sign Language. Neg-raising is a phenomenon of syntactic or pragma-semantic nature that occurs when a matrix verb takes over the negation from a dependent clause, while semantically negation pertains to a dependent verb. Neg-raising has been thoroughly studied in sound languages, but sign languages were not previously included in a typological review: there are only four studies that consider the neg-raising phenomenon. A corpus analysis revealed the neg-raising verbs of the propositional attitude want, love, need. During the experiment, consisting of two diagnostic tests and a questionnaire, the results of the corpus study were confirmed, and think was also identified as a verb that can take over the negation from a dependent clause.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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