Lexical change in Russian dialects: the case of one Pskov dialect


Ron’ko Roman V.12,Anisimov Arseniy D.1,Zalivina Ekaterina A.1,Zemlyanskaya Sofia A.1


1. HSE University

2. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper examines the sustainability of dialect vocabulary in the variety spoken in a set of villages of the Zapadnodvinsk district of the Tver region. The data were collected within the framework of the Data Collection Program for the Dialectal Atlas of the Russian language. The presence of dialectal lexemes in neighboring villages is cross-checked using the Database of the Dialectal Atlas of the Russian Language. The paper offers a sustainability scale of lexemes that is a measure of the degree of their sustainability across dialects. Based on the data discussed in the paper the conclusion is drawn that the dialect vocabulary in the dialects explored in the paper is relatively stable.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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