Preliminary Results of Data Processing of the TRITEL Dosimeter as Part of the Matryoshka-R Space Experiment onboard the Russian Segment of the International Space Station


Lishnevskii A. E.1,Shurshakov V. A.1,Kartashov D. A.1


1. Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123007, Moscow, Russia


Preliminary results of processing data from the TRITEL dosimetric equipment, which consists of one interface unit and three units of mutually orthogonal telescopes of silicon detectors operating in the coincidence mode (with the possibility of obtaining data also from a single mode of operation), are presented. The TRITEL dosimeter was designed to study the temporal dynamics of dose loads and the anisotropy of charged particle fluxes at various points of the Service Module (SM) of the Russian segment of the International Space Station (RS ISS) with the additional possibility of measurements in other modules of the RS ISS. As part of the Matryoshka-R space experiment (SE) on the RS ISS the TRITEL dosimeter was in operation from mid-October 2017 to mid-October 2020. The article presents a description of the methodology for processing dosimetric data of the TRITEL equipment and preliminary results of processing data obtained in the period from June to October 2020.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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