The Relationship of Magnetospheric Parameters with Cosmic-Ray Cutoff Rigidities Depending on Latitude


Danilova O. A.1,Ptitsyna N. G.1,Tyasto M. I.1,Sdobnov V. E.2


1. St. Petersburg Branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences, 191023, St. Petersburg, Russia

2. Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 664033, Irkutsk, Russia


We have studied the features of the latitudinal behavior of geomagnetic thresholds of cosmic rays R, as well as their sensitivity to the interplanetary medium and magnetospheric parameters during three phases of the magnetic storm on September 7–8, 2017, in the initial, main, and recovery phases. For this purpose, values of R were calculated in two different ways—by the method of spectrographic global survey (Rsgs) and by the method of tracing the trajectories of cosmic-ray (CR) particles in the model magnetic field (Ref). The maximum lowering of thresholds is observed at the storm maximum (Dst = –142 nT), reaching the values of ΔRsgs = –0.52 GV and ΔRef = –0.66 GV. The curve of ΔRsgs variations, depending on the observation station (latitude) cutoff rigidity, assumes a classical form with a maximum dropping the thresholds at midlatitudinal stations. ΔR correlates most strongly with the Dst index, which indicates that the ring current plays a main part in the dependence of variations of CR cutoff rigidities. The significant influence of solar-wind velocity V and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters on ΔRsgs and ΔRef is also seen. In the main phase, ΔRef depends on B and Bz of the IMF, and ΔRsgs depends on B and By. For ΔRsgs, the correlation with electromagnetic parameters varies, depending on the observation station, in a regular manner. There is no such tendency for ΔRef.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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