Determination of the Effective Collision Frequency of Electrons in the E and D Regions of the High-Latitude Ionosphere from Analysis of Radio Occultation Measurements


Gubenko V. N.1,Andreev V. E.1,Kirillovich I. A.1,Gubenko T. V.1,Pavelyev A. A.1,Gubenko D. V.1


1. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 141190, Fryazino, Moscow oblast, Russia


Collisions between electrons and neutral molecules are of special interest for the physics of the Earth’s ionosphere, in particular, for determining the ionospheric conductivity and current systems in the lower ionosphere of the planet, as well as elucidating the role they play in attenuating radio waves propagating inside the D and E regions of the ionosphere. The effective collision frequency of electrons can be estimated from laboratory studies of electron mobility in atmospheric gases in combination with rocket measurements of temperature and particle density in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, or it can be determined independently from analysis of radio occultation data. We have developed a method for reconstructing the vertical profiles of the absorption coefficient of decimeter (wavelength ~19 cm) radio waves by solving the inverse problem of signal absorption in the D and E regions of the Earth’s ionosphere. Based on the analysis of radio occultation data from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites, the altitude profiles of the absorption coefficient of decimeter (DM) radio waves in the planet’s ionosphere during the geomagnetic storm on June 22–23, 2015, were determined. It is known that the absorption coefficient at a given fixed frequency is directly proportional to both the electron density and the collision frequency of electrons with ions and neutrals. Using the data on the vertical profiles of the absorption coefficient of DM radio waves and the electron density reconstructed from the analysis of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultations, we estimated the effective collision frequency of electrons in the D and E regions of the Earth’s high-latitude ionosphere. The practical significance of studying the frequency of electron collisions and the effects of radio wave absorption in the D and E regions of the planet’s ionosphere is associated with maintaining the uninterrupted operation of space radio communication and navigation systems.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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