Dynamics of vegetation of Central Yamal in the holocene


Lapteva E. G.1,Korona O. M.1,Kosintsev P. A.1


1. Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper presents new paleobotanical data in combination with the results of radiocarbon dating obtained from organomineral deposits of the northern shore of Lake. Pechevalavato (70°13’22.3” N, 71°50’57.6” E) in the Seyakha river basin and characterizing the dynamics of vegetation in the northern part of Central Yamal in the Holocene. It has been established that in the Early Holocene (10.2–8.7 thousand years ago) in Yamal, tree-shaped birch (Betula sect. Betula) grew no less than 400 km north of the modern northern limit of distribution of Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa. Favorable conditions for the existence of birch woodlands at this time were due to the higher temperature of the growing season, exceeding by approximately 3–4 °C the modern parameters of the warmest month of the summer season. At the end of the Early Holocene (after 8.5 thousand cal BP), forest vegetation began to degrade, and open landscapes with diverse plant communities of the subarctic tundra and single trees in the river valley spread. About 6.5 thousand cal BP the northern subarctic tundra began to form the zonal appearance of the study area in climatic conditions close to modern ones.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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