Effect of Dry Storage on Seed Germination of <i>Ephedra monosperma</i> (Ephedraceae)


Borisova S. Z.1


1. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University


Abstract—Effects of dry storage under ambient laboratory conditions on germination and survival was tested for seeds of rare species Ephedra monosperma. The seeds without pregermination treatment were placed in Petri dishes with a moistened filter paper at room temperature 20 ± 3 °C. Seeds maintain high germination when dry stored for 5 years (mesobiotic), further storage leads to a sharp decrease in germination. At the same time, dry storage of seeds does not change the time of the beginning of germination, the duration of germination and the curve of seed germination. Freshly harvested seeds and seeds stored at room temperature germinate 2–4 days after seeding, 50% of seeds – in 7 days, and 98–100% – within 2 weeks. The seed germination curve has two peaks; the highest one is the first, which is observed on the 3rd day from the start of germination.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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