1. Аzerbaijan Medical University
2. Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
Abstract—The distribution areas and resources of Onobrychis Hill species (the sainfoins) in Azerbaijan were studied. The areas of thickets and the volumes of potential annual harvesting of 19 species, out of 22 common for Azerbaijan, were determined. It was found that sainfoins occupy an area of 1059.6 ha. The biological stock of the above-ground (herb and shoots) and underground (roots) parts in the studied areas is 291.133, 33.715 kg and 317.003 kg, respectively; the exploitable volume is 198.490, 22.371 kg and 214.834 kg, respectively; the potential volume of annual harvesting is 44.624, 14.321 and 5.593 kg of air-dry raw materials, respectively.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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