Ore-Bearing Faults of Transpressional–Collisional Kinematics in the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Fold Belt (Structural Consequences of the Geodynamic Model)


Savchuk Yu. S.1,Volkov A. V.1,Aristov V. V.1,Murashov K. Yu.1


1. Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences


The Verkhoyansk–Kolyma fold-thrust belt is an important metallogenic structure of northeastern Russia. Based on irregularly distributed gold mineralization within this belt two large ore-placer districts are distinguished: the Upper Indigirka district (UID) in the northwest and the Central Kolyma district (CKD) in the southeast. The gold grade in these areas is largely provided by a large fault structure—the ore-controlling Adycha–Taryn deep fault. Along the entire length, this fault changes its kinematic characteristics, from an overthrust reverse fault in the north to a strike-slip reverse fault (Tenka fault) in the south. Such a change of the fault kinematics laterally, in the principal ore-controlling structure, is reflected in the structure of specific ore-bearing faults in ore areas, as we have shown on the example of the Degdekan (CKD) and Drazhnoe (UID) deposits. In the Degdekan deposit, synthetic overthrust reverse faults, which control large-volume deposits of relatively poor ores, are ore-bearing, and, in the Drazhnoe deposit, opposite strike-slip faults contain small-size, superimposed rich ore bodies. The change of ore-bearing faults in different ore areas is explained by their position in the changing stress field that formed at different stages of geodynamic development: (1) associated with the collision of the Kolyma–Omolon superterrane and the Siberian craton and collision with the Alazeya arc (early ore mineralization of the Upper Indigirka ore district) and the Uda–Murgal arc (early disseminated pyrite mineralization of the Central Kolyma ore district) and (2) collision with the Chukchi microcontinent and re-activation of earlier faults (the main gold-sulfide-quartz mineralization of the Yana–Kolyma metallogenic belt)


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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