Minor Fractions of Phospholipids in Mechanism of the Wild Rodent Adaptation to Increased Radiatiom Phone


Shishkina L. N.1,Kudyasheva A. G.2


1. Emanuel Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. FRC Komi SC of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The participant of the minor fractions of the liver phospholipids in the mechanism of adaptation for four species of wild rodents caught in the different years in the Chernobyl accident zone at the areas with level of the dose rate of the external γ-irradiation from 0.02 to 200 mR/h in 1987 is studied in dependence on the radioresistance of species. At first year after accident the growth of the lysoforms of phospholipids share and sphingomyelin involved in the apoptosis process and the increase of cardiolipin taking part in the interaction of DNA with membrane is revealed, During 5 years after the accident there is the increase of the sum share of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine taking part in the calcium ion transport and in regulation of the inner cell processes. Data obtained and analysis of literature allow us to conclude that the change of proportion of the minor fractions of phospholipids in liver of the wild rodents living at areas with the increased radiation level causing the adaptive reorganizations in the cell metabolism are the base for formation of the new subpopulations in these territories having the lipid peroxidation regulatory system different from norm.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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