Radiation Doses of Pine Stands in the Belarusian Sector of the 30-Kilometer Zone Around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at the Present Stage


Perevolotskaya Т. V.1,Perevolotsky А. N.1,Geras’kin S. А.1


1. Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology


The article presents the results of assessing the dose of external and internal irradiation of the tree tier of pine stands growing on the northern trace of the Belarusian sector of the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at the present stage. It was found that in the most polluted experimental sites, the total dose of external and internal irradiation of the stand can reach 160 mGy/year. It is shown that internal irradiation is formed by beta radiation of radionuclides accumulated by aboveground phytomass, its contribution to the total dose can be 80%. The external irradiation of the stand is determined by the gamma radiation of 137Cs located in the soil. The results obtained are important for understanding the processes of formation of radiation-induced effects and assessing the effects of irradiation of living organisms.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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2. State of the Scots Pine Seed Progeny from the Polessky State Radiation-Ecological Reserve, Belarus;Радиационная биология. Радиоэкология;2023-07-01








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