Recognition of projectively transformed planar figures. XVII. Using plucker’s reciprocity theorem to describe ovals with an external fixed point


Nikolaev P. P.12


1. A. A. Kharkevich Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Smart Engines Service LLC


An approach to a projectively invariant description of a family of ovals (o) in scenes where the figure o is given in a composition with an external point, P, fixed in its plane is considered, and in cases where o has hidden symmetries (central or axial), the position of P is not specified in the form of an additional condition defining the scene, but can be calculated through the symmetry parameters. The invariant description, as a general universal method for numerical processing of compositions like “o + ext-P”, is proposed to be implemented in the form of Wurf mappings.The method uses the apparatus of dual pairs (DP) and wurf functions,previously developed and described by us, which are a product of decomposition of statements of the reciprocity theorem proposed by J. Plьcker to describe the properties of quadratic curves (conics).Illustrated examples of special cases of the “o + ext-P”composition are considered and discussed, actually completing the topic of studying the scenes like “an oval and a linear element of the plane”, which are classified according to the types of symmetry of o.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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