What did adaptive optics give us for understanding the mechanisms of human color vision


Maximova E. M.1


1. Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute)


Information on the color vision of animals and humans, the history and methods of its study is briefly presented. The results of fundamental research in this area obtained using adaptive optics and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) in combination with densitometry, phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography (AO-PSOCT), and calcium imaging (Ca++ imaging) are described. These methods made it possible for the first time in vivo to see the mosaic of human retinal L, M, S cones, to build maps of the location of cones of three different types, to study color perception during stimulation of single cones.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

Reference115 articles.

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