Рeculiarities of control commands generation for oculographic interfaces under the conditions of vestibular impacts


Turovsky Ya. A.12,Alekseev V. Yu.1,Muradova L. G.1,Mironkin A. P.1


1. Voronezh State University

2. V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences


The article presents the results of a study of the parameters of human eye movement when using an oculographic interface to control a self-propelled chassis. In the course of the experiment, it was shown that from race to race, the time spent by the subjects on one race was reduced, the number of errors and the number of subjects who did not successfully complete their races decreased. On the basis of cluster analysis, individual typological features of the reaction of eye movement to the movement of the user’s head during the execution of the main commands for controlling the self-propelled chassis were revealed. It is shown that when the self-propelled chassis is moving, the generation of the “forward” and “backward” commands by the optical-oculographic interface is generally carried out according to the scenario common for users, and does not require correction when controlling the self-propelled chassis. At the same time, the generation of turn commands is a more individual process, which is associated both with the calibration of the device and with the individual position of the user’s head and eyes and, therefore, requires more careful control when using oculographic interfaces.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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