Problems and prospects of new methods of light stimulation in visual rehabilitation


Zueva M. V.1,Kotelin V. I.1,Neroeva N. V.1,Fadeev D. V.1,Manko O. M.2


1. Helmholtz Medical Research Center of Eye Diseases

2. Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS


Neurodegenerative retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy remain the leading causes of low vision and blindness worldwide. Visual rehabilitation of patients who are visually impaired due to neurodegenerative diseases of the retina requires solving problems associated with a violation of the structure of neural networks and a deficiency of visual functions provided by these networks. Despite certain successes in the application of innovative methods of therapy, it is important to develop new approaches to visual rehabilitation to improve the quality of life of visually impaired patients. In visual rehabilitation, not only medical, but also various non-pharmacological therapy strategies are widely used to protect and restore the structure of the retina and its function. Among them, a separate niche is occupied by the technologies of vision stimulation therapy (phototherapy), the analysis of the main aspects of which is the task of this review. The vector of new research in the field of phototherapy is aimed at developing methods that can maximize the plasticity of the visual system to increase the effectiveness of its protection and recovery in neurodegenerative pathology. In this regard, new technologies of fractal phototherapy have great potential in visual rehabilitation.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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