1. Science, technology and innovation in Africa: Stereotypes, realities and prospects
2. Global inequality and the main trends in development of Africa nowadays
3. Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso announce withdrawal from ECOWAS. Al Jazeera. 28.01.2024. (In Russ.). https://aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/28/niger-mali-burkina-faso-announce-withdrawal-from-ecowas (accessed 09.02.2024)
4. Костелянец С.В. Конфликт по линии «центр-периферия» как перманентный фактор политической нестабильности Судана. Политические системы и социальные структуры африканских стран: актуальные проблемы и векторы развития. Сборник тезисов. М.: ИАфр РАН, 2023. C. 17. https://inafran.ru/sites/default/files/event_file/tezisy_-_politika27.09.2023.pdf (accessed 22.02.2024) Kostelyanets S.V. 2023. Conflict on the “center-periphery” axis as a permanent factor of Sudan’s political instability. Political systmes and social structures of Afican countires: relevant problems and vectors of development. Collection of theses. Pp. 17. (In Russ.). https://inafran.ru/sites/default/files/event_file/tezisy_-_politika27.09.2023.pdf (accessed 22.02.2024)
5. African Union on Reformist Track