1. Almalyk Branch of Tashkent Technical University named after Islam Karimov
2. A.S. Sadykov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy
of Sciences of Uzbekistan
3. Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
The intensive development of agricultural production currently requires the expansion of the use of chemical plant protection products from insect pests, which in turn leads to environmental pollution and irreparable losses in the biocenosis. Therefore, the development of fundamentally new plant protection products, characterized by safety in relation to the environment and high selectivity of action, is becoming more and more urgent. The use of sex pheromones in integrated plant protection systems leads to the need to develop convenient synthesis schemes that allow obtaining pheromones of various pest species with good yield and high isomeric purity from the same starting compounds-synthons.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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