Humic-Based Soil Modifiers from Peat and Coal: Effect on Chemical and Biological Properties of Model Soil Mixtures


Stepanov A. A.1,Yakimenko O. S.1


1. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The impact of humic-based soil modifiers (HSM) produced from peat and coal (“Torfogel” and “Uglegel” accordingly) on chemical properties, cellulolytic activity and productivity of model soil mixtures (artificial soils) was evaluated in a pot experiment. Soddy-podzolic cultivated soil of the Moscow region was used as a natural reference soil. It is shown that an increase in the proportion of both HSM from 3 to 15% in soil mixtures improved their main agrochemical indicators: content of NPK and humus reached high levels, comparable to and exceeding those for the reference soil. Significant differences occurred starting from 5% of “Uglegel” content in mixtures, and 7% of “Torfogel”. Soil treatment with HSM stimulated the biological activity of soil mixtures, as well as plant growth and development. All the above trends were much more pronounced when treated with "Uglegel" in comparison with "Torfogel". This fact could be due to organic matter genesis of peat- and coal-originated HSM. The results of the work can be used to create stable and productive artificial soils.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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