Dependence of Crop Yield and Quality on Fertility of Sod-Podsolic Soil


Lyskova I. V.1,Lyskova T. V.1


1. Falenki Breeding Station – Branch of Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky


Based on long-term (2016–2021) research results in a long-term stationary experiment (1971–2021) in the eastern district of the central climatic zone of the Kirov region, the influence of soil acidity and the content of mobile phosphorus on the yield and quality of grain crops and meadow clover when applying fertilizers (N90, N90P50K90) was estimated. It was found that the maximum yield (4.43 t/ha) in a long-term stationary experiment in the period 2016–2021 was obtained from Falenskaya 4 winter rye when N90P50K90 was applied to soil with pHKCl 3.8 and the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil was 121 mg/kg, which is 1.6 times higher than the “without fertilizers” option. The content of crude protein in the grain of cereals and the green mass of meadow clover was formed higher on the soil at pH 5.2–5.7 than at pH 3.7–4.0, did not depend on the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil, the application of fertilizers (N90, N90P50K90) for cereals increased the indicator by 1.60–5.96%. The indicator “grain nature” of cereal crops did not depend on the level of acidity and the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil, while the indicator exceeded the basic norm of standards for grain harvesting. The content of raw gluten in the grain of spring wheat varieties Iren and Bazhenka increased with the use of fertilizers by 4.0–14.8%. The maximum content (33.8 and 39.8%) was observed in the Iren variety on both acidic and cultivated soil with a mobile phosphorus content of 170–191 mg/kg when N90P50K90 was applied. The effect of fertilizers and the level of soil fertility on the indicator “falling number” in winter rye was insignificant.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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