Influence of Green and Mineral Fertilizers on Agrochemical Indicators of the Soil and the Yield of Flax Products in Crop Rotations with Short Rotation


Sukhopalova T. P.1


1. Federal Research Center of Bast Fiber Crops


In the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation, on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil with a high phosphorus content, 4-field crop rotations with short rotation, with the cultivation of long-leg flax, were studied. The results of changes in agrochemical indicators of the soil and an increase in the yield of flax products during the sowing of flax after new precursors, with the use of a green mass for fertilizing by sowing white mustard, taking into account the mineral fertilizers applied for crop rotation crops, are considered. The positive effect of biofungicide Sternifaga after harvesting barley on the yield of flax products was noted. It was established that the highest yield of flax seed was obtained after the predecessor of white mustard for green feed with sowing of white mustard for green fertilizer in the amount of 5.3 t/ha, flax seed – 1 t/ha, total and tattered flax fiber – 1.7 and 1.8 t/ha with high quality indicators of flax seed corresponding to number 2.5. It has been shown that with the help of the soil biofungicide Sternifaga (the active substance is the spores of the fungus Trichoderma harziannum VISR-18, titer 1010 CFU/g), intended for the decomposition of plant residues and the suppression of soil phytopathogens, it is possible to improve the soil. In the crop rotation, where the vico–oatmeal mixture was sown for green fodder with a lean sowing of white mustard for green fertilizer, the yield of trusts increased by 0.5 t/ha and amounted to 2.2 t/ha, total fiber – by 0.1, trepan – by 0.2 t/ha, the quality of trusts improved by 0.5 numbers, crop rotation productivity increased by 13% after the predecessor of barley using biofungicide compared to the crop rotation, where flax was sown repeatedly for 3 years in a row.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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