Changes in the Content of Mobile Forms of Nitrogen in Gray Forest Soils of Opole under the Influence of Landscape Features


Okorkov V. V.1,Shchukin I. M.1,Okorkova L. A.1,Shchukina V. I.1,Kozlov A. A.1


1. Upper Volga Federal Agrarian Scientific Center


In a long-term stationary experiment on gray forest soils of the Vladimir Opole, the influence of agricultural technologies of cultivation of field crops on the content of mobile forms of nitrogen, their relationship with chemical and physico-chemical properties of the soil, levels of intensification have been studied. After a longterm application of agricultural technologies with an increase in the level of fertilizer application, an increase in nitrate nitrogen reserves, the degree of transition of ammonium nitrogen of the soil to the liquid phase from the humus content at the level of a strong relationship was revealed. The content of N-NH4 in the soil reduced its value. With an increase in the capacity of cation exchange, the value of this parameter changed, passing through the maximum, pHKCl - through the minimum. Changes in the humus content and physico-chemical properties of soil differences of gray forest soils have been established: gray forest plakornaya, gray forest medium-saline, gray forest medium-saline with a second humus horizon.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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