Monitoring of Fertility and Ecotoxicological Condition of Reference Sites of Sod-Podzolic Soils of the Ivanovo Region


Utkin A. A.1


1. D.K. Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy


The results of agrochemical and ecotoxicological studies of the arable layer of reference plots of sod-podzolic soils for agricultural purposes of the Ivanovo region are presented, which were carried out in order to establish the level of fertility according to the main agrochemical indicators, the content of sulfur and trace elements, ecotoxicological state – by gross and mobile forms of heavy metals and arsenic. The deterioration of such indicators of soil fertility as the availability of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, mobile potassium, the amount of absorbed bases and the capacity of cation exchange has been established. An increase in the content of mobile phosphorus, exchangeable calcium, magnesium and other absorbed bases was noted with an unchanged content of organic matter. The fertility of the studied soils was assessed by calculating the soil-ecological index. The provision of soils with trace elements and mobile sulfur has been established. The content of gross and mobile forms of metals in soils, with the exception of arsenic in the soils of individual sites, did not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations and clarks. The studied soils are slightly polluted and are not dangerous for cultivated plants and human health. According to the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, the characters of the mutual influence of metabolic acidity, the content of organic matter and the granulometric composition of soils with the content of available forms of trace elements, gross and mobile forms of metals and arsenic are established.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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