DNA-Phenotyping of Remains from Elite Burials in the South of Russia in the Khazar Period


Fesenko D. O.1,Aramova O. Yu.23,Vdovchenkov E. V.3,Ivanovsky I. D.4,Fesenko O. E.5,Polyakov S. A.1,Faleeva T. G.67,Filippova M. A.1,Florinskaya V. S.3,Kornienko I. V.23


1. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Federal Research Center The Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Southern Federal University, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after D.I. Ivanovsky

4. DNA Research Center, LLC

5. Southern Federal University, Research Institute of Physics

6. St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Health Care “Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination”

7. North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov


The study of the past through the analysis of ancient DNA allows us to solve scientific problems related to the genogeographic origin and patterns of population migration. The Khazar Khaganate is a subject of controversy among scientists in various fields of science: its complex historical formation, the lack of a sufficient number of artistic and written sources, together with the disappearance of representatives of the Khazar culture, leaves open the question of the appearance of the Khazars. In this work, DNA-phenotyping of bone remains from the elite burials of the South of Russia of the Khazar period was carried out on the basis of the color of eyes, hair, skin, and blood groups according to the AB0 system. It was established that 8 out of 10 buried had brown eyes, dark hair (to varying degrees), and predominantly dark skin during their lifetime. People from two burials had gray-blue eyes, and one person had blond hair. In 8 individuals, the most probable blood type was established according to the AB0 system: 5 people had 0 (I) group, 4 people had A (II) group and one B (III). Assessment of allele distribution of ten autosomal markers with population specificity indicates high heterogeneity of ethnogeographic origin of the studied Khazars. The obtained results are evidence of the ethnocultural, genetic and phenotypic diversity of the Khazar Khaganate.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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