Brazilian “soft power”. In the context of peacekeeping missions in Haiti and Lebanon


Timofeeva Julia A.1ORCID


1. MGIMO-University


In the context of growing tensions in international relations the example of Brazil as a country that integrated into the global context mainly by peaceful means and which in 2023 was again headed by the president who consolidated its status of a peacekeeping country in the first decade of the XXI century is of particular relevance. The year 2024 will mark the 20th anniversary of Brazil's landmark UN peacekeeping operation in Haiti, and the aggravation of the political and social situation on the island since the second half of 2021 makes the topic even more pressing. Using the case study method, i.e., the example of the missions in Haiti and Lebanon, the author analyses the use of “soft power” by Brazilian peacekeepers during the operations with a force component.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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