1. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of Russian Academy of Science
The review is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between dynamic changes in patterns of electrical activity of the brain during the occurrence of mental disorders in the form of paranoid schizophrenia and depression and in patterns of brain activity in cardiovascular pathology associated with permanent atrial fibrillation, as well as indicators of multifractality of the studied patterns. To assess these indicators of electroencephalographic patterns, we describe a method of multifractal analysis based on the search for maxima of wavelet coefficient modules, and to isolate the fractal component of the signal in the power spectrum we describe a method of autospectral analysis with irregular resampling. It has been shown that the main differences between the multifractal properties of the electrical activity of the brain in health and in pathology are the different widths of the multifractality spectrum and its location, associated with different types of sequential pattern values. In this regard, the multifractality indicators can serve as informative markers of neuronal disorders and can be included in a set of tests for studying various pathologies.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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