1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Voronezh State University”
The effect of salt stress on the activity of decarboxylating malate dehydrogenases in maize leaves during the adaptive response of cellular metabolism to salt stress was studied. It was shown that excess NaCl concentrations cause an increase in the enzymatic activity of both NAD+-ME and NADP+-ME. The greatest contribution to the increase in the activity of NAD+-ME is made by the intensification of the expression of the nad-me2 gene. At the same time, the expression of nad-me1 under salinity increases to a lesser extent. Methyl-specific PCR showed an inverse relationship between the expression of nad-me2 and the degree of methylation of the promoter of this gene, while nad-me1 and nadf-me, apparently, are regulated by different mechanisms. A different functional role of each isoform of the studied malic enzymes in the adaptive response of cellular metabolism is assumed.
The Russian Academy of Sciences