Development and Architecture of the <i>Nepeta transiliensis</i> (Lamiaceae) Rhizome


Cheryomushkina V. A.1,Astashenkov A. Yu.1,Komarevtseva E. K.1,Guseva A. A.1


1. Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The ontogeny and structural organization of the rhizome of Nepeta transiliensis individuals in the high-mountain conditions of the Zailiyskiy Alatau have been studied. Various types of buds (renewal buds, dormant buds) take part in shoot formation, from which various types of elongated shoots are formed. Using the architectural approach to the description of plants, the main structural units – rhizome modules – are identified. Different branching of modules leads to the construction of different rhizome axes. In the rhizomatous axes, the angles of departure of the lateral modules from the maternal one differ, the development of the modules occurs sequentially from the renewal buds or with a delay from the dormant buds. The set of rhizomatous axes forms a branched rhizome complex and leads to the formation of rhizome tiers. In general, the rhizome of N. transiliensis is of the “intermediate” type, which combines the features of a geometric and non-geometric rhizome.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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