Genetic Divergence of Closely Related Species <i>Oxytropis strobilacea</i>, <i>Oxytropis adamsiana </i>and<i> Oxytropis vassilczenkoi</i> (Series <i>Strobilacei</i> of the Section <i>Orobia</i> Fabaceae) from Asian Russia


Kholina A. B.1,Artyukova E. V.1,Yakubov V. V.1,Khoreva M. G.2,Mochalova O. A.2,Sandanov D. V.3,Selyutina I. Yu.4


1. Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, RAS

2. Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the RAS

3. Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Siberian Branch, RAS

4. Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch, RAS


The genetic diversity and divergence of closely related species Oxytropis strobilacea, O. adamsiana, and O. vassilczenkoi series Strobilacei of the section Orobia (Fabaceae) from Asian Russia were studied using the data of nucleotide polymorphism of the psbA–trnH, trnL–trnF, and trnS–trnG intergenic spacers of cpDNA, as well as the ITS nrDNA. Most populations are characterized by an average and high level of chloroplast genetic diversity (h varies from 0.600 to 1.000). 65 chlorotypes were identified, no shared chlorotypes were found in taxa, and that confirms the status of O. vassilczenkoi as a separate species. Two phyletic lineages were found for O. strobilacea that indicates an intensively proceeding diversification process. Among the seven identified ITS ribotypes, one ribotype was shared for all three species, probably, due to their common origin and relatively recent divergence.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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