The Use of the Microstructure of Coverling Feathers in the Systematics of Ground Jays (Aves, Corvidae: <i>Podoces, Eupodoces</i>)


Chernova O. F.1,Ilyashenko V. Yu.1


1. Severtsov Institute of ecology and evolution, Russian academy of Sciences


Using scanning electron microscopy, new data on the microstructure of the definitive coverling feathers of all four species of ground jays Podoces pleskei, P. panderi, Eupodoces hendersoni and E. biddulphi and eight other species of Corvidae were obtained: Ptilostomus afer, Garrulus glandarius, Perisoreus infaustus, Corvus cornix, Cyanopica cyana, Nucifraga caryocatactes, Pica pica and Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax. Comparative morphological analysis involving previously published data on the microstructure of the pen-feathers of these species, as well as Corvus monedula, C. frugilegus, C. corax, revealed a number of feather microstructures specific to ground jay species, as well as differences between Podoces and Eupodoces, which confirms their genus status, possible relationship with G. glandarius and Pt. afer, as well as the preservation of ancestral features in P. pleskei.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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