Gene Diversity of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I of the Far Eastern Leopard (<i>Panthera pardus orientalis</i>)


Tarasyan K. K.1,Sorokin P. A.1,Kholodova M. V.1,Naidenko S. V.1,Rozhnov V. V.1


1. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences


The study presents the status and diversity of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes in the Far Eastern leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis). 20 alleles of MHC genes were obtained from 11 samples in total, 19 alleles were described for the first time for the species. A high diversity of alleles is shown at the level of individuals as well as at the population level. Comparison of MHC gene polymorphism in leopard subspecies showed that the genetic diversity of the Far Eastern leopard is not lower and even possibly higher, than observed of the African and Indian subspecies. The high allelic diversity of the Far Eastern leopard genes is supported by the positive selection affecting on the antigen-binding region of the protein product they encrypt. It is concluded that the low abundance of the Far Eastern leopard has not yet led to irreparable losses in the genetic potential of the population.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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