Transport Functions of Serum Immunoglobulins Among the Residents of the European Arctic of the Russian Federation


Pashinskaya K. O.1,Samodova A. V.1,Dobrodeeva L. K.1


1. N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper presents data on the level of serum immunoglobulins in residents of the North and Arctic of the European territory of the Russian Federation. In people living in the Arctic, the average concentration of IgM, IgA and IgE is 1.4–2.6 times higher, the frequency of elevated concentrations is 2.4–8.8 times higher. A high frequency of IgG deficiency of 72.3% was established, which indicates inhibition of switching of antibody synthesis with a predominant predominance of IgM and IgA. In an unfavorable climate, the spectrum of antigenic structures increases and expands significantly. Activation of antibody production is due to an increased level of antigenic effects on the body and an increase in the content, diversity in the intravascular environment of tissue metabolism products with the properties of autoantigens. It was revealed that the concentration of immunoglobulins is significant in the formation of circulating immune complexes (CIC). In residents of the Arctic of the European territory of the Russian Federation, increased concentrations of IgM and IgA are associated with an increase in the content of neutrophil granulocytes and interferon-gamma cytokine (IFN-γ), which in turn is aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the clearance of waste products in hypoxia.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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