The initial of Autonomic Tone Determines the Development of Irreversible Myocardial Ischemia in Rats


Morozova M. P.1,Kurenkova A. D.2,Volkova Ju. L.3,Berdalin A. B.4,Banzeluk E. N.1,Umarova B. A.5,Lukoshkova E. V.6,Gavrilova S. A.1


1. Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow University

2. Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov Moscow Medical University

3. University of Zurich, Institute of Physiology

4. Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal center of brain research and neurotechnologies” of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

5. Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow University

6. Federal State Budgetary Institution National medical research center of cardiology Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


The method of HRV analysis in rats was used to evaluate the relationship between the initial level of total HRV and regulatory changes in the work of the heart before and on days 1, 3, and 28 after the modeling of irreversible ischemia (II). According to the level of total HRV, rats were divided into two groups: with initially “low” and “high” levels of HRV, the LV (SDRR = 5.0 ms) and HV (SDRR = 8.2 ms) groups. LV and HV rats reacted differently to the cold test before and after II. Three days after II, LV rats had a better preservation of the autonomic regulation of the heart, and 28 days later, a smaller size of myocardial damage and mortality. In HV rats, the number of mast cells in the ischemic focus was higher, and in the zone unaffected by ischemia, the proportion of degranulated cells was higher than in LV rats.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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