Diversity of the Red Blood Parameters System in the Pigmy Field Mouse and the House Mouse (Rodentia, Muridae) in the Elbrus Region: Multivariate and Information Analyses


Emkuzheva M. M.1,Puzachenko A. Yu.12,Tembotova F. A.1,Bottaeva Z. Kh.1,Bersekova Z. A.1,Chapaev A. Kh.1


1. Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories Russian Academy of Science

2. Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Science


The variability and evenness (diversity) of the red blood parameters system was assessed for the first time using multivariate and information analysis methods in the synanthropic M. musculus and the hemisynanthropic A. (S.) uralensis in the Central Caucasus Mountains (Elbrus region). The paper introduces the concept of the actual “niche” of the red blood parameters system in the multidimensional space of the descriptive model. The niches of A. (S.) uralensis and M. musculus were clearly differentiated, and the niche volume of A. (S.) uralensis significantly exceeding that of M. musculus. Interspecific differences in the seasonal regulation of blood parameters were described, which in A. (S.) uralensis was more complex and clearly cyclical from “winter” to “autumn” season. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that, compared to M. musculus, A. (S.) uralensis realises a more flexible adaptation strategy to seasonal changes in the environment. The tested methodology of data analysis allows to consider the results of particular studies on mammalian haematopoietic regulation in the broader context of problems of biodiversity, dynamics and self-organisation of biological systems.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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