1. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the RAS
The abundance, biomass, distribution and feeding patterns of the ctenophoreMnemiopsisleidyiA. Agassiz 1865 were studied in the deep-water Black Sea in October 2019. The biomass of the ctenophore in the open areas of the sea was 100–200 g m–2, the abundance was 16–38 ind. m–2. With the dominance of large individuals (≥30 mm) in the population, the activity of their reproduction remained extremely weak. The specific daily ration varied from ~4% to 13% of body carbon in adults and juveniles, respectively, and exceeded the minimum food requirements of the ctenophore. The daily consumption of three species of copepods (Acartiaspp.,Calanus euxinus,Oithona davisae) byM. leidyireached 4.5–11% of their biomass, while that of appendiculariansOikopleura(Vexillaria)dioica– 1.6%. The predatory pressure ofM. leidyion the entire prey zooplankton attained 2–4% of the biomass of organisms per day.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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