Mesozooplankton communities in deep-water areas of the Black Sea: are their composition and biomass regulated by the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865?


Anninsky B. E.1,Finenko G. A.1,Datsyk N. A.1


1. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the RAS


The abundance, biomass, distribution and feeding patterns of the ctenophoreMnemiopsisleidyiA. Agassiz 1865 were studied in the deep-water Black Sea in October 2019. The biomass of the ctenophore in the open areas of the sea was 100–200 g m–2, the abundance was 16–38 ind. m–2. With the dominance of large individuals (≥30 mm) in the population, the activity of their reproduction remained extremely weak. The specific daily ration varied from ~4% to 13% of body carbon in adults and juveniles, respectively, and exceeded the minimum food requirements of the ctenophore. The daily consumption of three species of copepods (Acartiaspp.,Calanus euxinus,Oithona davisae) byM. leidyireached 4.5–11% of their biomass, while that of appendiculariansOikopleura(Vexillaria)dioica– 1.6%. The predatory pressure ofM. leidyion the entire prey zooplankton attained 2–4% of the biomass of organisms per day.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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