1. Mountain Botanical Garden, Dagestan Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
This paper presents for the first time the results of studying the total content of antioxidants in the seeds of Morus L. The composition of fatty and steric acids of the seeds of mulberry fruits Morus L. was also studied: polymorphic speciesMorus alba(white-fruited, pink-fruited, black-fruited) andMorus nigra(Khartut variety). As a result of the studies, 12 fatty acids were identified. The main ones were linoleic acid, palmitic oleic acid, and stearic acid. The predominant fatty acid in all samples was linoleic, which varied from 67.5 to 79.0%. 15 sterols were found, among whichβ-Sitosterol accounts for about 90%. Determination of the total antioxidant content ofMorus albaseeds (white-fruited, pink-fruited, black-fruited forms) andMorusnigra(Khartut variety) revealed the accumulation of antioxidants in all samples. The highest total content of antioxidants was observed inMorus nigra(4.40 mg/g) and the white-fruited form ofMorus alba(5.56 mg/g).
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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