Integrated Assessment of the Geomorphological Hazard of the Mining Territories within the Baikal Region


Еremenko Е. А.1,Belyaev Yu. R.1,Bolysov S. I.1,Bredikhin A. V.1,Bityukova V. R.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography


Abstract—A method for calculating the complex index of the eco-geomorphological hazard of mining territories according to their influence on the ecological situation in the Baikal region is proposed. The described approach makes it possible to characterize in detail the consequences of mining for the ecological situation in the region. The proposed assessment takes into account not only the area of disturbed lands, but also other factors affecting the possibility of transport of pollutants and the degree of their hazard (in particular, the type of raw material extracted, the geomorphological position of the mining territories, the degree of the anthropogenic transformation of landscapes, the composition of anthropogenic deposits and the degree of reclamation of disturbed lands). To test the methodology, the complex index of the eco-geomorphological hazard of lands disturbed by mining was calculated for municipalities of the Baikal region for 2020. Municipalities were ranked according to the value of the complex index and a corresponding map was compiled.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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