Formation of River Channel Branches, Their Morphology and Typing


Chalov R. S.1,Golubtsov G. B.1,Kurakova A. A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Abstract—Based on many years of research, a justification is given for a complete classification of branches that form morphologically homogeneous areas in different geological and geomorphological conditions, which are formed in branches of branches of different structural levels and in channels of other morphodynamic types. An analysis of the conditions for the formation of river channel branches, their morphology, deformations and reformations showed that the classification must take into account the structural levels of branches and their morphodynamic types; separately highlight the diversity of branches in a winding channel, forming a separate type of channel or morphologically homogeneous areas; take into account single branches at bends, in a straight channel and in the branches of branches; highlight floodplain multi-branching, secondary coastal or near-island branches, as well as branching of the second and third orders. The arms of channel (island) branches can be gentle bends, the spurs of which are islands; straight channel; branching of the second and third orders, the combination of which creates different types of branching in the arms. The development of a classification of branchings, as well as the morphodynamic classification of river channels of the Moscow State University in general, makes it possible to refine it as the branching of river channels is studied, to create new levels (blocks) in it, allowing to take into account the increasing morphological and dynamic diversity of branches and the conditions of their formation.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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