Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites, and Sulphates in the Zone of Oxidation of Sulfide Ores. XV. Solubility of the Synthetic Analogue of Mandarinoite at 25 °C


Charykova M. V.1,Ushakova K. L.1,Holzheid A.2,Krivovichev V. G.1,Efimenko N. M.1,Platonova N. V.1


1. Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Science

2. Institute of Geoscience, Christian Albrecht University of Kiel


The aim of this study is the synthesis of two iron(III) selenites: Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O (an analogue of the mineral mandarinoite) and Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O, as well as the study of their solubility. Identification of obtained samples was carried out using the X-ray powder diffractometry and the energy dispersive electron microprobe analysis. Solubility was determined by isothermal saturation at 25 °C and atmospheric pressure. To suppress the hydrolysis of Fe3+-ions and prevent the precipitation of iron hydroxide, the experiment was performed in solutions of nitric or sulfuric acid. Obtained compositions of saturated solutions were used to calculate the solubility product using the Geochemist’s Workbench software package (GMB 9.0, SpecE8 program). As a result of the calculation, lgKsp[Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O] = –38.6 ± ± 0.5 and lgKsp[Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O] = –39.0 ± 0.2.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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