1. Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University
2. Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS
3. Saint Petersburg Mining University
A study of composition of minerals (major and rare-earth elements) of clinozoisite amphibolites closely associated with corundum-bearing rocks at the Khitoostrov occurrence (North Karelia) was carried out. The clinozoisite amphibolites contain ferruginous phlogopite containing more Al than the ferruginous phlogopite in the host garnet amphibolites; calcium amphibole belongs to the chermakite–pargasite–sadanagaite series; the basic plagioclase which is absent in the host rocks, and margarite. Reactionary relationships of minerals are noted – plagioclase-amphibole symplectites around garnet porphyroblasts, development of clinozoisite after calcium amphibole. Some of the minerals (clinozoisite, calcium amphibole) acquire rare-earth elements (REE) distribution spectra that are uncharacteristic for them, inheriting them from substitutable minerals in the areas of distribution of reaction structures: calcium amphibole inherits the spectrum of garnets, and clinozoisite inherits the spectrum of calcium amphibole. The hypothesis of metasomatic origin of clinozoisite amphibolites and the redistribution of REE under the influence of fluid are discussed.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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